Monday, May 16, 2011

Anne Waldman - "Makeup on Empty Space"

Emptiness seems to be the underlining theme of this poem. Though The author speaks of putting makeup on in the most literal sense that could be the theme , it seems to go further than that. Almost as if the author is invisible or trying to hide behind the numerous amounts of makeup and jewels many women adorn. As if we are not really hear nor would we become noticeable without the adornments upon us. Its as if to say we are all simply empty vessels waiting to be covered or filled. Waldman states "I am putting my memory into empty space". The empty space continuously refereed to here is the head and face. So perhaps she feels she will not be worth the recognition without it? All her works and memory goes into the art of putting makeup on and shows you all she has learned. What her life is like her society and background perhaps? It seems to be all about covering or filling up a void. This is what I have gotten from this poem.

1 comment:

  1. my opinon has changed since rereading this poem and is discussed in my jounral after research on the author and a better understanding of what she meant
