Monday, May 9, 2011

"The Mother" by: Gwendolyn Brooks

This way by far the most touching poem I have read in awhile. Normally when it comes to an abortion a woman is looked down upon and the topic is rarely spoken of. It's considered taboo and the mother is made to look like a criminal but what people fail to realize is she is in fact a victim too. This poem goes where no one chooses to go before. It shows that women feel it , it does in fact change their lives but it sometimes is a necessary step because having the child may have even worse circumstances surrounding it. I appreciate how as a women Brooks is able to not only acknowledge what she did publicly and not hide from it or be ashamed like most would, but she also apologizes in her own way, and admits she does in fact love each and every child. It really touched something in me and made me really appreciate her as an artist. I respect her mentioning this and as a women feel her pain. It was a touching poem and incredibly eye catching.

1 comment:

  1. This poem is very insightful and touching and I agree with you. This is a very education poem for many people thats against abortion or for it because it show you how the lady felt through the whole process and decision making she made and the consequences she lives with.
